We asked for questions in our previous blog post... You guys have delivered!
You've all been interested in the business side of kaomoji and about us, the kaomoji crew!
We'll be answering the questions here, maybe you can spot yourself? 👀
We start with kaomoji related questions, be it starting about a business or about collaborating with someone!
James is here to answer it for you!
Reneekast: "Is there a specific convention you would really love for Kaomoji to ever attend? Leave out all the extra business that involves that, just WHICH CON WOULD THAT BE?"
James: "ANIME EXPO IN LA!!!"
Edgar: "Hi…im trying to create my own businesse like u. Uhm like I draw and put it on clothes and sell but I need to learn a lot like and I just want to know more about u guys. Like, tell ur story how was it created and all…"
James: "Yeah, I could write an entire book of it and I don't want to fill up all the blog space :^) Feel free to add me on discord jaemz#0001 or instagram: @jaemz, I'll be happy to answer your questions" 🙂
Amir: "how do the collabs come around? do people approach you or do you approach them? if they do approach you on a scale of 1-10 how epic does it feel when a company approaches you 😎"
James: "Both actually haha. And yeah, it does feel epic when a company approaches us 8-) 10 out of 10"
Fragmantiq: "Do you have a dream of what Kaomoji Clothing could do beyond what it is doing right now?
If so, what would it be?"
James: "It would be so cool to have our own flagship store somewhere. A store where you can hang out, game, drink some boba, and ofcourse where you can get our merchandise" 🙂
Merlinzkus: "Evangelion collab, when?"
James: "Shinji hit us up" 😳
Now that the business side of kaomoji is over with, let's see what you asked about the kaomoji crew!😏
Maybe we even like the same things as you?😮
Brian (The Wanderer): "What is everyone’s favourite music artist?"
James: "Porter Robinson!"
Quentin: "Mariya Takeuchi."
Lish: "Big Time Rush, OLDCODEX and some japanese artists, mostly from anime. (can't choose)"
Chun: "ClariS."
Beeple: "Do you put your left sock or right sock on first?"
James: "Right"
Quentin: "Left"
Lish: "Right"
Chun: "I think my right, just tried it out."
PopeSquidly: "What’s everyone’s favorite flavor of ice cream? :3"
James: "Strawberry!"
Quentin: "Vanilla Gelato"
Lish: "Chocolate, but stracciatella and banana is good too!" (indecisive)
Chun: "Stracitella!"
Fobuki: "What do you guys think is the best thing about working at kaomoji?"
James: "The friends and people I meet along the kaomoji journey, going to conventions, designing new merchandise and collections, collaborating people and companies" 🙂
Quentin: "Uhhhh... Decorating my desk."
Lish: "I love the way we interact with our community! It's incredibly welcoming and it motivates me to work extra hard for you guys! Packing your orders is a lot of fun, especially if there's a sweet note for me!" 💕
Chun: "Best thing about working at kaomoji is that I can be who I want and talk about the stuff that I'm most passionate about (anime) without people thinking I'm a weirdoo"

Quentin's beautiful work of art, the Hatsune Miku Nendoroid on his desk.
He is such an interior designer.
Levy: "Fav food u tasted from james?"
James: "BOBA!!!! (Insert boba emoji's I don't have :( - Lish)
Quentin: Fancy chocolate!"
Lish: "Haven't rly had anything he made." :(
Chun: "This man never made food for me because he hates my country" (this is a joke btw !!!)
VonckjeNL: "Since I can ask you anything, who can draw a T-Rex at kaomoji?"
James: 🙂
Quentin: 😈
Lish: "You know, I tried drawing a T-Rex... Not my best work, also not the proudest. Hope you recognized what it iss :( Enjoy."
Chun: "I tried many times yes, but it always looks like something that is absolutely... Not ok".
And so everyone at kaomoji office did their best 😊
How was it to learn about us?
We really enjoyed answering them for you!
Thank you for reading the blog!
If you have any other questions, or if you just want to hang out with us, be sure to join our Discord!