Welcome to the monthly Vibe Check! The blog where we talk about our experiences from the past month, highlighting the things that made it special. :)
It's the first Vibe Check of the year 2022! Things have changed in the office, let's see what's going on with Quentin so far? 👀
Quentin: "This month I ate various very delicious foods made by my girlfriend! Just take a look at this delicious chicken teriyaki bowl she made for us this month. She is an amazing cook for real :)"

Woah woah woah!! James has a lot to say this time!Take some time out to read this, it's incredibly inspiring.10/10 would listen to what he says!James: "Thank you for taking time to read our blogs!! We’re super happy that you’re here and don’t forget to stay hydrated!"
This is Dave's last Vibecheck entry. :(
Thank you for your hard work at kaomoji Dave!!
Now let's see what he did this month except his internship here!!!!!
Dave: "Since PUBG went free to play this month the boys and I picked it back up after almost 2 years. It’s a blast and it feels really nice playing a game with punishing gunplay and little movement abilities."
She's here! 2022, will it be her year?
It... It seems like we went back to april last year..
This topic seems awfully familiar?
Lishu: "I’m back!! Oh god, I am so back into Attack On Titan. The last season part 2 is currently airing and AAAA soo good. So yea, I’m back in the hype, art wise and cosplay wise too. New year, new me. Aka new merch of my favorite AOT character Bertholdt. :) A lot of things on it’s way!!"
Thanks for reading! Hopefully we inspired you to check out something new. Stay tuned for next month's issue!
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1 comment
omg, thats me :o
Mom look, i’m famous now!!!11 <3